Diploma in E-Publishing – InDesign Pagination

Electronic Publishing or E-Publishing includes the digital publication of e-books, EPUBs, digital magazines and the development of digital libraries and catalogs. E-Publishing has become common in scientific publishing where it has been argued that scientific journals are in the process of being replaced by E-Publishing. It has also become common to distribute books, magazines and newspapers to consumers through tablet reading devices, a market that is growing by millions each year, generated by online vendors such as Apple's iTunes bookstore, Amazon's bookstore for Kindle, and books from Google Playstore.

Duration:90 hours
Validity:2 months


Role of an Electronic Publisher

There are several people involved in the publishing process starting from Author, Publisher, Designer, Typesetter and Printer. Publishers accept manuscripts for publishing and make information available for public through Books, Journals, Internet, etc. Once the manuscript for the book or the articles comes to the publisher from the author, the next step is to get the files transferred from the publisher to the E-Publishing unit. Followed by pre-editing, the files are cleaned up of extra spaces, paragraph returns, junk characters and other unnecessary text elements. The next step is data conversion, where the text is converted or tagged to fit into an XML workflow. After the data is converted, the next step is to process the images, drawings, charts and other graphics received from the author. Once the text and the graphics are ready, the next step will be to assemble them together in a layout according to the supplied specifications. This process is called Pagination. The final book or articles are then checked for suitability for printing in a process called pre-flighting and are then uploaded to the customer for approval.


Course Details

In this course you will study the principles and practices of book editing and the associated production and sales of print and electronic materials. This program will enhance professional development for those who aspire to work in corporate or commercial book publishing and editing industries. You will gain skills related to the editing and publishing industry and be prepared to meet the needs of this constantly changing and fast-paced work environment.

Learn Adobe InDesign‘s core features and techniques that make this powerful page layout application fun and easy to use. This course shows how to navigate and customize the workspace, manage documents and pages, work with text frames and graphics, export and print finished documents, explore creating interactive documents and much more. The course also covers popular topics such as EPUBs and long documents and includes creating Adobe PDF with form fields.

Learn XML to know the process of data conversion, where the text is converted or tagged to fit into an XML workflow. The course gives you a quick introduction to XML, the XML syntax and rules, components and XSL Stylesheets. You will also learn how to create a well formed XML document (XML DTD).


Course Overview


Part – I E-Publishing Concepts

Introduction to Publishing and Publishing Products
This lesson will give you an introduction to publishing industry of which copy editing is a part, the various processes and workflows in publishing, and some basic publishing terminology.
Typesetting Terminology and Publishing Workflow
In this lesson we will see the various kinds of workflow, what workflows exist and what do they do. Learn about the stages and principles of typesetting.
Typesetting Terms
This lesson will teach you typesetting which is the process (or craft) of actually setting the type.
Parts of Book
You will learn about the book and journal production basics, different kinds of publications, front Matter, text or Body, end Matter of a book and journal.
Macintosh Operating System
This lesson introduces you to Macintosh Operating system. Learn the difference between windows and MAC, understand the MAC desktop and file management system in MAC.


Part-II InDesign Pagination

Introduction to Adobe InDesign
This Lesson will orient you to the InDesign workspace, application bar, control panel, tools and context menu. We will also cover changing the magnification and navigating with the Hand and Zoom tool.
InDesign Tools
You will learn the various tools in InDesign like the selection, direct selection, type, text path, eyedropper, zoom, shear and note tool.
Importing and Editing Text
In this lesson you will learn how to import text, thread text through frames and edit text within the frames. Once you import text, you can create and apply styles, find, replace and format text and use dynamic tools to correct spelling errors.
Working with Typography
This lesson shows you how to use paragraph and character styles to help you quickly and consistently format your documents.
Working with Styles
With Adobe InDesign Styles offer a quick, consistent method for formatting documents. Once you create a style and apply it, you can modify the settings and anywhere that style is used, the new style settings will be picked up. Watch and learn!
Setting up your Document
In this lesson, you will learn how to set up a new document, design master pages and work with document pages. You will see in this lesson how InDesign’s Text Wrap panel makes selecting a placed photo and applying text wrap a breeze.
Working with Frames
This lesson looks at InDesign frames that contain text, graphics or color. As you work with frames, you will discover that InDesign provides you a great amount of flexibility and control over your design.
Importing and Linking Graphics
This lesson provides a foundation for managing imported graphics using the Links panel and the Library for handling frequently used objects.
Working with Color
This lesson will teach you various options of adding colors to your InDesign document. Learn how to create, save and apply process and spot colors to objects, strokes and text.
Creating Tables
This lesson shows you how to create, Import and format a table. You will also see how to use Graphics within tables and format text within a table.
Working with Long Documents
This chapter is focused entirely on long document features of InDesign. Using the book feature you can break longer documents into sections and add each section to the Book panel. You can create multiple book files which reference individual InDesign files.
Pagination Guidelines
Learn the techniques of Pagination the process of dividing (content) into discrete pages.
Proofreading Symbols
Quality control is the integral part of any production workflow. You will learn the basic QC concepts get an idea of proof reader’s marks and elements of typesetting specification.
Math Editing
You will take a look at Powermath and learn how to edit math equations, fractions and operators.
This lesson gives you an Introduction to Pitstop, pre-flighting, PITSTOP profiles and checking PITSTOP log reports.
Using Xml
The world of XML rules from DTP to internet with various features like data conversion, database and E-commerce. You will learn the markup language, Basics of XML, syntax of XML, DTD and style sheet to work with InDesign.
Output and Exporting
You will learn how to check all the elements of a document to be sure that they are print or “press” ready, including the image resolution, the color space, missing or modified images, overflow text, and much more. You will also learn to “package” all the assets used to assemble the file.


XML Publishing and Data Conversion

Using XML
This lesson gives you a quick introduction to XML, the XML syntax and rules, components and XSL Stylesheets. You will also learn how to create a well formed XML document (XML DTD).
Basics of XML
This lesson gives you a quick introduction to XML, the XML syntax and rules, components and XSL Stylesheets. You will also learn how to create a well formed XML document (XML DTD).
Advanced XML Concepts
Learn advanced XML concepts like CDATA, namespaces and XML related technology. You will also learn Xpath expressions to select nodes or node-sets in an XML document define a link using Xlink, define a link to specific point using Xpointer and query XML data using Xquery.
Parsing and Validation
Learn how an XML parser converts an XML document into an XML DOM object which can then be manipulated with JavaScript. You will also learn the XSD attributes, elements and data types. Learn how an XML document is validated against an XML Schema which is both “Well formed” and “Valid”.

Check out our sample video tutorials


90 hours


2 months



This course is interactive and not taught in real-time. So you can login at your convenience and do your classes and exercises. Our interactive interface offers useful features such as fast forward, rewind, pause and you can even redo a lesson before moving ahead. These features help you track your progress and learn just what you want. Included are project files to allow you to learn right along with the instructor using the exact same files that they use. Each individual lesson has been provided with an eBook and a quiz to test your knowledge of each lesson before you take your final test. In addition to this hands-on learning experience, our trainers will evaluate your course work, clarify questions and give relevant feedback to help you grow